Pregnancy & Postpartum Health on a Busy Mamma's Schedule

Mom's Kitchen Club is your new secret weapon to staying sane and healthy in the wonderful chaos of motherhood. Also, check out our step-by-step programs created by moms for moms that nourish milk supply, while also burning fat.

Join Over 1000 Happy Mammas Who Have Started Their Journey with Us! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Introduction to the Postpartum Cure

Meet Katie

Katie is a mom of four boys, a Pre/Post Natal Fitness Specialist, and Precision Nutrition Certified. Katie has spent years helping breastfeeding mothers lose weight without losing milk supply.

Katie knows first-hand the realities of the unknown when you are newly postpartum, in addition to dealing with the lingering mommy pooch, breastfeeding cravings, and the stubborn pounds of baby weight.

You are not alone through this journey! You're in good hands.


"Blown Away By My Results"

"Katie, I am so blown away by my results. I have lost 8lbs since starting the reset!!! I can't believe it!"

- happy mama, verified buyer



I love following the steps and having this program alongside my journey.

- Alexia Simonot

These recipes have made me fall in love with healthy food. I’ve never craved lean protein or greens in my life the way I do now. I get excited for the next meal! I personally LOVE that the meals are very low calorie. Then I can any snacks and desserts I want on top of these meals and still be in a deficit. The perfect balance of chocolate ice cream and vegetables to get me through my day as a tandem-feeding mama. I also have NAFLD and a very strict diet for that. 90% of the recipes are in line with that, and for the other 10% I can easily make swaps that work for myself. It’s already low in dairy and high in protein which is nearly perfect for me! All the nuts and seeds really sell it. Avocado Caprese salad pictured, along with a soft boiled egg I added.

- Jackie Bourque


Love it!

I bought the Postpartum Cure after gaining 80lbs with my precious pregnancy. The weight was stuck, I felt like a stranger and a prisoner in my new body, and I was totally lost. Being a nutritionist myself, I’m more than familiar with how to eat healthy, but this much weight was so daunting, and I was nervous about maintaining milk supply. That program was just what I needed to kickstart my weight loss and help me overcome my postpartum body. I knew that if I ever got pregnant again, I’d run to buy the Belly Only program, and I did just that! I’m so hopeful and excited this time around to get ahead of my health so my recovery after birth is quicker and easier, and I can feel like myself again sooner than before. The program is simple and easy to follow, the recipes I’ve tried so far are all delicious, and it’s definitely something I can stick to and follow. My weight gain is definitely slower and steadier this time around, and I have so much more energy and fewer pregnancy symptoms than before! I recommend this program to ANYONE and EVERYONE who wants to live their best, happiest, and healthiest pregnant life!

- Zoe


"It wasn't easy but I definitely feel a lot better about myself. :) 5 Ibs makes a difference in the way I feel even if the pictures don't show it as much. I think I'll do this again in December too. It was a really good reset. Thank you!!"

- Amanda S.


"Thank you so much for teaching me new eating Habits! I can see the changes in my hips and stomach. What has stuck the most is that my cravings are most likely my body asking for Nutrients! When I get a hungry my first thought is I need to supply my body with nutrients. I never thought this way prior to this detox.! Even though I had a few cheat items I really tired to keep it at a minimum and a tiny little sample instead of the full thing. The more I filled my body with nutrients the less cravings I had.”

- Sarah J.


“Hi!!! Wanted to thank you for the two challenges you held. I didn't participate in either one. Guess I wasn't ready. But I'm on day 8 of the following hour plan and I feel a whole lot better. I'm down 5 pounds. I'm finally able to have the energy to workout finally and do things that I've been eyeing for the past two weeks! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I didn't think I could live without dairy. Turns out I feel better without it. My little one is feeling better too. She cries less. And all those carbs I thought I needed for my breastfeeding hunger weren't even the case. I'm adding healthy oils and I'm satisfied and my milk supply is not down at all. Anyways. hanks :) hope your pregnancy is going well”

- Jennifer J.


"As far as counting calories, yes that was so helpful!... it was an eye opener...But your concept...was so helpful! I have lost 6lbs-yay!- and have 12 more to go! I am encouraged for sure because it is usually not until I’m done nursing that I’m able to lose weight. So I’m all in for hopefully the rest of my life-on clean eating like this and exercise! Thanks so much for your help!!"

- Jessica W.


“I shared this on Facebook I am a mom of five beautiful boys!' My last 3 pregnancies... I was borderline gestational diabetic, which means I have the potential to have diabetes one day. SO, I take being healthy very serious. I started a clean eating challenge 11 days ago with The Postpartum Cure group. I was shocked to have lost 5 pounds in just 10 days by eating healthy. C NO DIET here! No exercise. I wanted to ensure I kept a great milk supply. 7 Here are my pics! The journey is a process but I am so proud of my results!!!!! Thank you Katie Pickett for starting the challenge! I plan to continue!!!! C The Postpartum Cure”

- Elizabeth B.


I now weigh less than before I was pregnant! Seriously a HUGE thank you to @milkdustprotein and @thepostpartumcure for teaching me what foods are nutrient dense and are good for my breastfeeding body. At 6 months postpartum I now weigh less than I did before I got pregnant with Pierce!" - @mallorytess

- Mallory T.


"Feeling GREAT on this program!!! It’s unbelievable how eating clean makes such a difference. Let me rephrase’s amazing the difference eating nutrient dense foods makes! My skin is glowing and I’m already shedding pounds! I also tried the first workout today and did well although I had to modify a bit and omit the backwards burpee (I had cesarean just over a month ago and don’t quite feel ready for that exercise just yet but I will get there). Loving this plan! Thank you SO MUCH for tour help!

- Melissa D.


"I did lose 7 pounds though so if I really worked hard it could have been better. Thanks for this challenge I just have to get mentally into it and try not to fail next time.”

- Laura M.


“If vou are pregnant or postpartum this is going to be awesome. I have been following this diet plan since just before having Pierce. I've eaten healthy with nutrient dense foods, lost baby weight and kept my milk supply up. All of which I miserably failed at on my own when I had Scarlett!”

- Mallory T.


Loved Tonight's Workout! I purchased @thepostpartumcure with our first pregnancy and had anticipated using it, but put it on the backburner until we had a pregnancy that made it to the second trimester. Loved tonight's workout! It also focuses on pelvic floor strengthening and diastasis recti! Love that!"

- Tiffany H.


I absolutely love the program! Just got finished with workout 4 and I’m dying I can only do these 2x thru and my second round is pretty funny to see I’m sure ! I will work up to 3x:-) By the way, your little boy angel in the videos is too precious and makes me smile! My boys have been doing these with me as well🏼! The information and the eating plan are both fantastic. I was so happy to hear that great way of calorie counting when nursing! I have gotten my 3 day average and now I’m going to reduce by 100 calories today! Thanks so much!!"

- Margaret A.


"The fruit part was great!!! Shipt is not available where I live until the end of the month(super excited about that). I used instacart they delivery groceries the same day. I was so surprised how the fruit and water was so filling that I could not finish my lunch. I also do not drink enough through out the day so it helped me stay hydrated without reaching for a Gatorade to help my nursing supply."

- Stephanie T.


“After I got birth control I have gained about half of it back with no diet changes. I thought I just couldn't lose anything until my body regulated the new hormones, but after the 10 days I'm down 3 pounds! Now I know it CAN be done, I just need to work a little harder and make a couple adjustments. At first it was tough, I was hungry almost constantly the first 4 days, but once I realized I could just eat a little more and upped my water it helped. I ended up ordering a sample pack of the Milk Dust before the challenge started and it tastes so much better than the protein powder I currently have at home.”

- Heather T.


"I'm on the 14 day clean eating part and already feel a change. I love that your program caters to nursing moms. These recipes are boosting my milk supply! Thanks again and can't wait to use the new app!"

- Lauren J.


“Katie, I am so blown away by my results!!! I have lost 8lbs since starting the reset!!! I can't believe it! I really struggled on day 3 & 4 when the cravings for sugar were so bad and I had really low energy, but I am so glad that I am sticking with it because I feel so much better! Thanks for creating this challenge!!!”

- Rachel W.


"The baby steps have been super helpful including writing down everything I ate. Another 5 days would be amazing, I was thinking yesterday what am I going to do after the 5 days are finished. You have been incredibly helpful!! I am so appreciative!!!"

- Kelly H.


“Hi! I LOVE this program! I have seen a HUGE difference in recovery between recovery from mv 1st and second babies because of using this. Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting this together! I would love to get the app on my phone, however, as I just upgraded to a new phone so I finely have enough space. We already bought the online program. Thank you so much!!”

- Amy M.


"She has an amazing program for mamas! My postpartum progress so far. Lots of early mornings, late nights & consistency to shake off the baby weight. Maile was born March 2020 and I started working out in June with @thepostpartumcure. She has an amazing program for mamas who are focused on healing their bodies and a graduated program with more intense moves...I started seeing the biggest changes once I dialied in on my nutrition, which is one of the tougher things for me..."

- Lei M.


“Actually do know quite a lot about working out. I'm just not certified to tell you how to do it while you're pregnant. I purchased @thepostpartumcure our first pregnancy and had anticipated using it but put it on the back burner until we had a pregnancy that made it to the second trimester! Loved tonight's workout! It also focuses on pelvic floor strengthening and diastasis recti! Love that! Good job baby boys! Keep growin’!!”

- Susan R.


"We survived and my daughter joined me (she's 7) and she said "that food was so yummy, let's go 20 days!!" I lost 2lbs.”

- Patricia B.